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Brew Fusion

Kenya Kevote AA

Kenya Kevote AA

Kenya Kevote AA – coffee from Embu, Kenya, with SL28, SL34 and Ruiru 11 varieties, washed process, and notes of blackberry, papaya, raw sugar and orange. Ideal for Espresso or Filter.

Regular price €24,95 EUR
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ORIGIN: Makengi, Embu Country, Kenya

ROAST: Light Roast (87/100 Score)

VARIETY: Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34


VARIETY: Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34

Roast Date: 01/30/2025


The Story
The Kevote Factory, owned by Kirurumwe Farmers' Society in Makengi, Embu County, processes coffee from 1,300 farmers and is one of three factories run by the society, which manages 25% of the smallholder coffee production in the region. Located in beautiful Embu County, Kenya, the factory is in a diverse coffee growing area, producing everything from commercial lots to 88+ point coffees. This coffee caught our attention because of its red fruit notes, setting it apart from the citrus acidity that is prevalent in Kenya.

Kenyan Process
The process begins with sorting the cherries, removing any that are immature or overripe. The coffee is then pulped, removing the pulp and skin from the bean. It is then left to ferment in ceramic tanks for 24 hours, stirred and fermented for another 24 hours, then washed with fresh water and lightly fermented overnight. Finally, the coffee is dried on raised beds until it reaches a moisture content of 11.5-12%, after which it is stored in silos before being threshed.

After drying and threshing, the beans are classified according to size and density using a vibrating machine that separates them into different meshes. The coffees are then auctioned according to their grade:

AA (Size 17 & 18): The largest and most prestigious, generally the highest valued at auctions.
AB (Size 15 & 16): Represents 30% of production; although it is usually considered inferior to AA, in tasting some AB can surpass AA.
PB (Peaberry): 10% of production, where the cherry produces a single grain instead of two, giving a more vinous, syrupy and full-bodied profile.
Other Classifications

E: Large peaberries and fragmented grains.
C: Size 14 & 15.
TT: Grains that pass under mesh 14.
T: Small or broken pieces of grains.
This meticulous process ensures the consistency and quality of every Kenyan coffee in the cup.


Kenya Kevote AA is a single-origin coffee from the Embu region of Kenya, grown at 1,600 meters above sea level. This light roast coffee offers a vibrant flavor profile with notes of blackberry, papaya, raw sugar, and orange. The SL28, SL34, and Ruiru 11 varieties benefit from the rich volcanic soils of the area. The dry-washing process and raised bed drying contribute to its citrus acidity and balanced sweetness. Ideal for filter and espresso brewing methods.

Modern and Funky Profile


Origami & Kalita Wave 185
Coffee: 25g
Water: 400g @ 200°F


Bloom - 50g
Heavy Spiral Pour - 160g
Spiral Pour - 220g
Spiral Pour - 280g
Spiral Pour - 340g
Spiral Pour - 400g
Drain 3:45

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